I’m afraid that the only one who can get the fighting power in Rain Country is Shimada Hanzo, a demigod … Although his personal strength is strong enough, the whole village can’t reverse the situation compared with the war. Adding to the unfavorable situation that Rain Country has been surrounded by great powers since ancient times, if Yan Ren really stays in Rain Country wholeheartedly, I’m afraid it’s hard to compete only by Shimada Hanzo’s strength … At this level, ninjas are not idiots who know things, but they have to fight for a larger foe.

So what is the reason for Shimada Hanzo to try its best to stop Yan Ren’s invasion?
It’s actually very simple.
-Shimada Hanzo is a famous "pacifist" who advocates communication and negotiation to solve problems. Similarly, win people’s approval. Shimada Hanzo has an umbrella for many small villages in Rain Country … This is the maximum opportunity.
Let’s make a hypothesis. If there were Yan Ren who slaughtered residents in the rainy country with a little more resources, would Shimada Hanzo be indifferent?
And by that time, even if Tu Ying has a heart to talk to Shimada Hanzo about the rain country, how can he allow the guy who once stabbed them in the back to enter his own country?
Whether Yu Yanren will plunder resources or not … It doesn’t matter, even if they don’t come, naturally someone will help them …
Zhenyong and the others stayed here to finish these plans … It is enough to deal with those villagers by first transforming and then releasing a few earth-dodging techniques at will …
It takes a small amount of root strength to accomplish this, but it is not enough to provoke Shimada Hanzo’s resistance …
In the final analysis, this kind of small action is only a "misunderstanding" category. Without seeing it with your own eyes, there is no guarantee that Shimada Hanzo will definitely fight Yan Ren, and according to the style of both sides, Tu Ren will definitely send people to the border of Yu to investigate, and Yu Ren will also send people to the country to negotiate. They also need to create a chance encounter …
Once, the "Yan Ren guerrilla unit" and the rain-forbearing guards came across each other. After both sides caused some casualties, they needed to throw some Yan Ren bodies and retreat … By that time, Onogi could not wash his dirty water even if he jumped into the Yellow River.
This is a test of strength … it can’t be based on fabricating characters, that is to say, they have to ambush a team with good strength before "encountering" Yu Ren. Only in this way can Yan Ren continue to plan, and it must be fast, and it must not wait until Yan Ren finds that the personnel have disappeared for a long time before contacting Yu Ren. This is unreasonable, and considering that the two countries are far from the roots, they must ambush in a place quite close to the soil country to win enough time for their follow-up plans. In other words, this is a battle that must be done quickly and quickly.
And this calculation is quite difficult. Naturally, it falls on a brave team with four people who have the ability to endure the battle …

Well, compared with things like sneaking into enemy lines and burning granaries alone before, it’s actually not a lot of tricks. With powerful and reliable teammates to help out, it’s really brave. On the contrary, it’s quite relaxing this time. After discussion by several of them, it is decided that their party will ambush in Tuguo and enter the main trunk road of Rain Country. If possible, they will target at the ability range. After the ambush is successful, they will directly attack several villages very close to the center of Rain Bear Village.
This is also to ensure that they can bear the conflict in the shortest time!
"This is it."
After carefully surveying the surrounding terrain, the Iron Hand finally chose the ambush position. The place where the four of them were located appeared to be a cave. In fact, there was another hidden exit on the other side of the passage, which was also convenient for them to get out at the first time if their actions were exposed and besieged … Anyway, the advice of the Iron Hand, which was the oldest and most frequently executed, has always been very reliable.
He shook his hand, then made a few gestures that only his team could understand, and then spoke in a low voice.
"Shout …"
It was in a flash that the four people gathered together and found the most favorable ambush position, and they hid themselves very quickly …
The ambush has started from now on …
"Hoo … Hoo …"
“! ! @? #@#! @¥”
"Cough, cough, cough … wake me up!"

Words … This state is really no problem Chapter 46, help you kill him.
"Tudun, crack the soil and turn the palm!"
The original flat land suddenly cracked and attacked expect the unexpected!
However, Gangtu is obviously not an ordinary person. Although the perceptual teammate of the same team didn’t send an early warning, it didn’t affect his fastest speed. Li Ke avoided the range of the opponent’s ninja wave … His peers were equally astute to avoid the perceptual ninja who failed to escape this robbery … or this raid was originally aimed at him!
After the earth cracked, it was hidden for a long time, and the trap immediately shot dozens of sharp shuriken. It was a moment that Yan Ren had already reduced his staff …
There are three more!
"Earth Dun Stone Magic Armor!"
At the same time, two growls sounded, and Gang Tu tried to form an array with his teammates at the first time to avoid each other’s attacks … After all, for Yan Ren, combination ninja is their specialty, but the other party obviously took this into account long ago, including the big fellow who rushed at him in the front, and ambushed the other two in advance, and at the same time his teammates engaged in war!
It’s exactly the same as the body’s hand-to-hand combat. When the two sides just hit each other, they feel bad … that’s his similar strength! That is to say, the other party is at least an elite!
At this moment, Gangtu has realized that this may be a premeditated attack against them, but it’s a pity that he still hasn’t found the last assassin still hidden in the rock wall …
In the dark, four ninjas from the rock are advancing rapidly …
They arrived in Yuguomu and a series of recent attacks … Although Onogi had long planned to invade Yuguoren, many recent massacres and looting incidents of poor people were not written by Yanren … It is obvious that someone was involved in this! Onogi, who knows the seriousness of this matter, immediately sent a capable man to Yuguo to deal with this matter … This is not only a local battlefield promotion problem, but also a strategic event throughout World War II!
In order to ensure the absolute completion of Yan Ren, a four-person team was sent this time, including two Ren, one perceptual special Ren, and the one responsible for leading the elite Ren Gang Tu …
With such an array, if you face the rain country head-on, I’m afraid few can compete with the target, and considering the scale and frequency of recent incidents, it is absolutely impossible for the other side to have a lot of patience …
Everything seems to be as expected. After leaving Yanren Village, they didn’t encounter any obstacles along the way. Occasionally, some star traps can’t slow down their action …
However, when they didn’t realize it, the four-person team had long been exposed to the real brave investigation range …
"There are four people on the other side, one elite endures two ordinary endures … and one with weak breath is probably a perceptual or medical type."
It’s really brave to open his mouth like this … ahem, well, in fact, his dynamic meaning is not that he perceives the surrounding methods like the second generation eyes and the little sun, but that he simply perceives the outstanding spirit and has several plants as his eyes and ears …
But in any case, the information he brought back is absolutely accurate … The speed of the other party will reach here in five minutes at most.
However, this situation is different from the previous plan … after all, even if it is a sneak attack, it is difficult to take it in a short time. If a tug-of-war is formed, they will fail …
On the other hand, since the other side has sent such an elite team, if they are spared, I am afraid it will be difficult to wait for the follow-up team to drag on for too long, and their actions will also fail.
After a brief thought, after the simplest communication with each other, the captain’s iron hand decided to continue the ambush plan …
"Relax …" The mask’s brave face reappeared with that contemptuous smile. He approached the iron hand and then opened his mouth. "If you can guarantee to get rid of the weakest guy across the street at the first time, I will help you kill him while you are entangled in Yan Ren’s elite."
Zhen Yong’s voice was calm as if he were talking about a trivial matter, but he was familiar with his character for two months. The iron hand was slightly stunned and then nodded heavily
"Good that feeling and death to control the other two wait for me and cold-blooded support Chapter 47, will you open? Always reading files!
Everything is going according to plan.
If you can’t make the leader really brave in melee, you can’t say that you will be better than the iron hand … Now he has encountered some similar Watergate problems … Although the methods are different, he also takes the instantaneous explosion speed flow path, but on the other hand, when the opportunity arises, Zhen Yong can exercise lethal endurance but there is almost no …
In this case, I really hate those people who are defensive in off the charts’s melee …
After making the "Stone Magic Armor", he was just suspected to be an "Iron Man", but today he is doomed to be unlucky because he is a little King Kong opposite him …
Just considering the explosive power of melee endurance proficiency, the iron hand can definitely suppress the opponent in a short time!
A seemingly close collision, in fact, both sides already know well … one side is ready to go, and the other side is rushing to make a move after the surgery. In this case, the soil has failed to gain an advantage, which is enough to say the gap between the two …
Of course, this does not mean that if you fight hard one-on-one, you will definitely lose to the iron hand.
The fact that he specializes in Yan Ren’s genius in close combat is not the only thing he is good at attacking means. He still holds a piece of paper in his palm, which is from Onogi Juexue …
But it’s a pity that the protagonist is not him today.
Hiding in the shadows from the beginning of the battle, Zhen Yong finally released the killing machine. Although he is not ashamed of this turtle shell as an opponent, he is not fighting alone now!
The most consequence is to kill the target successfully. These twists and turns can be ignored ~
Inherent time control … triple speed!
It’s brave to push the acceleration to the extreme as soon as it comes. It’s very clear that there won’t be too many opportunities to sneak attack when the enemy is unprepared. It’s better to simply keep its strength and kill it with one blow. To help the iron hand quickly defeat the enemy, it is impossible to run away with the remaining two roots.
